Leaf and Life

“Leaf and Life” was a performance and installation project showcased during the Open Studio Day exhibition of Santua Art Foundation’s World Environment Day 2005 event, held at the bank of Karnaphuli River in Patenga. The project aimed to explore the spontaneous creative process of nature, seasons, organic objects, and human feelings through the life cycle of a leaf. The project was designed to be an immersive experience, allowing the audience to interact with nature and art simultaneously.

The project was staged in a natural environment, allowing the audience to witness the interaction between nature and art. The installations were designed to represent different stages of the leaf’s life cycle, with the first installation featuring fresh, green leaves symbolizing the energy and hope of spring. The audience was encouraged to touch and interact with the leaves to evoke a sense of connection with nature.

The installations progressed, and the leaves gradually turned yellow and brown, symbolizing the natural process of aging and decay. The audience witnessed the leaves falling from the trees, a reminder of the impermanence of life.

The final installation featured dry, dead leaves, representing the negative aspects of life, such as loss and mortality. However, even in death, the leaves were transformed into something new, as they decomposed and nourished the soil, enabling new life to grow.

Throughout the project, the audience was invited to reflect on their own personal experiences and knowledge about life, as they witnessed the transformation of the leaves. The project aimed to evoke a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty and complexity of nature, while also reminding us of the importance of living in the present moment and cherishing the preciousness of life.

Overall, “Leaf and Life” was a multi-sensory and immersive art project that brought together nature, seasons, organic objects, and human feelings, creating a unique and thought-provoking experience for the audience. The project successfully demonstrated the power of art in connecting people with nature and highlighting the importance of environmental conservation.